Annual Report:


The last Exective Council Meeting report is being presented here, as it covers most of the aspects of annual report for the period up to June 2009.

Minutes of the Executive Council held on the occasion of 19th National Chemistry Conference at VC house Baragali on June 10, 2009 at 15 hours

An Executive Council (EC) meeting of the Chemical Society of Pakistan was held in the VC house Baragali on June 10, 2009 at 15 hours. Following members attended the meeting.

1. Dr. Din Muhammad, President, CSP
2. Prof. Dr. Khalid M. Khan, Secretary General, CSP
3. Prof. Dr. Jamil Anwar, Treasurer, CSP
4. Prof. Dr. Saeed Ahmed Nagra, V.P., CSP (Punjab Chapter)
5. Dr. Lal Khan EC member (Islamabad Chapter)
6. Prof. Dr. Viqaruddin Ahmed, Editor, JCSP

1. The Executive Council meeting commenced with the recitation of Holy Quran under the chairmanship of Dr. Din Muhammad, President, CSP. An agenda was already circulated, discussion on important agenda items was followed and decisions were undertaken as reported in the proceeding paras.

2. Dr. Din Muhammad offered Fatiha for late Prof. Dr. Rashid Iqbal, Prof. Dr. Javed Iqbal Associate Secretary (CSP Punjab Chapter), Prof. Dr. Afzaal Ahmad.

3. Executive council confirmed the minutes of Executive Council Meeting held on the occasion of 18th National Chemistry Conference on February 27, 2008 in the Institute of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Lahore, and minutes of 18th Annual General Body Meeting.

4. It was resolved by all the EC members present that in all EC meetings ¼ of the total EC members should be considered as the Quorum instead of 1/3 already followed and the GB requested accordingly. The President CSP and the Secretary General CSP approved it with immediate affect for presentation to the AGBM for approval.

5. Some CSP members had expressed their reservations in the form of e-mails about the future functioning of CCCCS at Department of Chemistry Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad in case no office bearer for the top three central posts belonged to Islamabad. Dr. Din Muhammad, President, CSP explained the functioning of Country Coordination Center for Chemical Sciences (CCCCS). He told the EC members that the project of CCCCS was approved by HEC to the Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad with three employees

a. Manager
b. Data Handling Person
c. Chowkidar

He further added that due to his continuous efforts he was successful to convince the authorities of Quaid-e-Azam University for providing funding to CCCCS and now about two million rupees per annum will be available for the proper functioning of CCCCS including salaries of the aforementioned employees. He also informed the EC members that as per decisions Chairman Department of Chemistry will be the custodian of CCCCS and CSP office bearers would be facilitated by the Chairman Department of Chemistry for their role in proper functioning of CCCCS. The above mentioned staff will be hired by the university as per QAU rules very soon.

6. To improve the financial situations of the CSP the following steps were suggested and approved for adoption in the AGBM.
a. The PCST and PSF should be approached for fresh funding.
b. All existing life members should donate Rs 2000/- each to the CSP as (one time) donation. The money so collected to be invested in NIT or other saving schemes. The profit thus earned to boost the CSP income.
c. It was suggested and approved that all CSP Vice Presidents to be requested to motivate the members of their respective chapters to support the CSP fund raising campaign in the shape of new membership or arrange donations from different other sources.
d. It was further suggested and approved that all the CSP members while purchasing items from the suppliers should request them for a financial support to CSP in the form of their donations or as CSP associates. The fund thus received also to boost the CSP income.
e. On the occasion of next conferences different vendors should be invited for their stalls on rent basis and part of rent so collected should go to CSP.
f. It was also suggested that the President of the Chemical Society of Pakistan should write a letters to different vendors for donation to CSP.
g. To meet the expenses of the CSP elections it was approved to charge each candidate a sum of Rs. 2000/- to be furnished as a draft to CSP along with the nomination papers and this to be implemented with immediate affects.

7. Prof. Dr. Jamil Anwar, treasurer, CSP presented a budget report for the fiscal year 2008-2009 and statement of accounts for the period 2007-2008..

8. EC discussed about the CSP election and Dr. Din Muhammad informed that the election process has already been started from June 1st 2009. The Secretary General had also already recommended names of election committee members to the worthy President. The President informed that he will publish the names of election committee members in the forthcoming issue of Alchemy.

9. EC unanimously decided to induct the following members as CSP fellows for the year 2008. With this the earlier selected CSP fellows for the year 2007 (total five) stood approved as well.

Prof. Dr. Lutfullah Kakakhel 2008 (NWFP)
Prof. Dr. Shaheen Faizi 2008 (Sindh)
Prof. Dr. Tariq Ansari 2008 (Punjab)
Prof. Dr. Javed Iqbal. 2008 (Islamabad)

10. Publication of Alchemy News Letter was discussed and the President informed the EC members that it will be published now on regular basis InshaAllah.

11. Publication and quality of the Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan was discussed in length. Prof. Viqar Uddin Ahmad, Editor, JCSP informed the EC that he is receiving manuscript of local interest and these manuscripts are not respected in the International scientific community. The EC suggested that such type of papers should be avoided publication in the JCSP. Prof. Viqar informed that he is currently publishing 200 copies of the journal per each issue. He also added that he is publishing six issues per year having 25 to 30 articles per issue. EC discussed the online publication of the Journal keeping in views the remarks and recommendations of Prof. Lutfullah V.C KUST put forward in the inaugural session. Of the conference. The Editor JCSP promised that this year he will be successful, Inshallah, to publish it online. The editor also informed that he attempted to get advertisement for the journal in order to improve the financial position of JCSP but did not recently receive any encouragement on these lines. Dr. Din Mohammad suggested that the presentation of journal needed improvements; the font size, font type and many other such aspects were not up to the mark. He also pointed out that the editor should revise the “instruction to the authors” and all aspects should be clearly mentioned there and if notes are to be published on this subject, such instructions must not contradict each other. All to be carefully designed and presented to look worthy of the International Journal. EC requested the Editor JCSP to prepare proposal for funding of the JCSP keeping in view all requirements of the online presentation in accordance with the proposals of Prof. Dr. Lutfullah. The Editor JCSP informed the EC members that, presently, the JCSP was receiving an annual grant on the order of Rs. Seven lakhs directly from HEC apart from the PSF grant received through the CSP central office.

12. Matters regarding the webpage of JCSP were discussed in detail and the President informed the EC that he is linking the webpage of CSP with the webpage of Quaid-i-Azam University of Islamabad and it will be functioning soon, hopefully, within 15 to 20 days time.

13. It was resolved that 20th National Chemistry Conference will be held at the Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad in February 2010 and 21st National Chemistry Conference will be jointly organized by the Department of Chemistry and H.E.J Research Institute of Chemistry University of Karachi in 2011. There was also a request from the Agriculture University Faisalabad to host the 2011 conference. However the decision for the 2011 conference to be finalized by the new EC of the CSP.

14. Some members from GC University Faisalabad proposed that the CSP election should be conducted province wise for each chapter. EC considered this request but decided that, as per constitution, one ballot paper to be used for National wide polling for all the contesting candidates and the request through looking genuine could not be entertained this time as the election was already in process.

15. There was no other item for discussion hence the meeting adjourned.

Prof. Dr. Khalid M. Khan, T.I.
Secretary General, The Chemical Society of Pakistan
HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi

Dr. Din Mohammed
President, The Chemical Society of Pakistan
Country Coordination Center for Chemical Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Quid-i-Azam University




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