Genral Body Report:


The minutes of the last General Body Meeting held on June 10, 2009 is being presented here as under:-

Minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) proceedings held on the occasion of 19th National Chemistry Conference at Baragali on June 10, 2009 at 17 hours

An Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) of the Chemical Society of Pakistan was held on the occasion of 19th National Chemistry Conference at Baragali on June 10, 2009 at 1700 hours. Before this meeting, a meeting of the Executive Council (EC) was held in the VC house Baragali. The EC earlier confirmed the minutes of Executive Council Meeting held on the occasion of 18th National Chemistry Conference on February 27, 2008 in the Institute of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Lahore, and minutes of 18th Annual General Body Meeting.

Members of the Chemical Society of Pakistan along with the following EC members attended the meeting.

1. Dr. Din Muhammad, President, CSP
2. Prof. Dr. Khalid M. Khan, Secretary General, CSP
3. Prof. Dr. Jamil Anwar, Treasurer, CSP
4. Prof. Dr. Saeed Ahmed Nagra, V.P., CSP (Punjab Chapter)
5. Dr. Lal Khan EC member (Islamabad Chapter)
6. Prof. Dr. Viqaruddin Ahmed, Editor, JCSP

The minutes of the AGBM recorded are summarized as under:

1. The AGBM started at 1700 hr. with the recitation of The Holy Quran.

2. The Secretary General requested Dr. Din Muhammad, the President CSP to Chair the meeting.

3. Dr. Din Muhammad offered Fatiha for the late Prof. Dr. Rashid Iqbal, Prof. Dr. Javed Iqbal Associate Secretary CSP Punjab Chapter and Prof. Dr. Afzal Ahmad.

4. The agenda for the meeting had already been circulated and all the participants were informed about the agenda items accordingly.

5. The Secretary General CSP very briefly introduced the matter of business and informed about the proceedings and resolutions of Executive Council (EC) meeting of the Chemical Society of Pakistan which was held in the VC house Baragali on June 10, 2009 at 15 hours.

6. The Secretary General CSP requested Prof. Dr. Jamil Anwar, Treasure CSP for presenting the accounts report to the house and Prof. Dr. Jamil Anwar presented the report, as already considered in the EC, which was appreciated by the members present.

7. While presenting recommendations of the EC to the AGBM on the subject of improving the quality of the JCSP, Prof. Dr. Lutfullah Kakakhel, the V.C KUST offered his services especially concerning the online publication of the JCSP. This was very much appreciated by the house and Prof. Dr. Lutfullah was thanked for this gesture. The house requested Prof. Dr. Viqar Uddin Ahmad that he should provide all sorts of help required by Prof. Dr. Lutfullah Kakakhel so that the JCSP could be presented “on line” within a shortest possible time of one month as proposed by Prof. Lutfullah. Prof. Dr. Lutfullah also provided some more details on this very important issue and told the house that he knew a few International enterprises who provided such services for
“online” publication of scientific journals and money was no problem for such planning as the companies interested were willing to provide the services with minimum cost rather negligible cost for one year after which they would like to manage this whole affair as a profitable business with the profit earned to be shared with the CSP. Thus it could be very interesting proposal for the CSP. The President CSP also thanked Prof. Dr. Lutfullah and requested him as well as the Editor JCSP to keep him informed of these developments. He further opined that he would feel very happy if the JCSP could acquire the “ON LINE” status within the remaining tenure period of the present Executive council.

8. Prof. Dr. M. Mazhar QAU suggested that all chapters should enhance their efforts for fund raising. He also suggested that low quality manuscripts should be rejected at the editor level.

9. Prof. Dr. Bakhtiar suggested that all chairpersons of chemistry departments of all Universities of Pakistan should register all their M.S, M.Phil and Ph.D. students as member of CSP and the registration fee should be paid from the internal resources of the departments.

10. AGBM approved all the EC decisions earlier arrived at in its meeting held in the VC house Baragali on June 10, 2009 at 15 hours.

11. The Secretary General CSP requested Dr. Din Muhammad, the President CSP to address the house.

12. Dr. Din Muhammad briefly addressed the house and asked the house for co-operation for uplifting of the standard of CSP to meet its objectives as a more progressive NGO to raise the standard of the Chemical education followed in our home land and also to improve the standard of all its publications. He also announced that CSP webpage will be functional very soon. He thanked the members of the chemical society, the members of the executive council, the organizers of the 19th NCC and in particular the V.C KUST and his team for all their efforts for making the 19th NCC a successful history.

13. There was no other item for discussion hence the meeting adjourned.

Prof. Dr. Khalid M. Khan, T.I.
Secretary General, The Chemical Society of Pakistan
HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi

Dr. Din Mohammed
President, The Chemical Society of Pakistan
Country Coordination Center for Chemical Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Quid-i-Azam University



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